Welcome to this interactive Equine blog

Here we hope to offer horse Tales, Equine sales of all kinds and tips on horse care and training.
What would you like to share or what horse items are you wanting to sell ? Simply post it !
Here is my first tip: Do you have a problum removing thoes nasty bot eggs in the fall ? Try a sponge saturated with rubbing alcohol. Scrub the eggs with soaked sponge . I do it several times . Eggs that don't come off will shrivel and If ingusted won't hatch.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

All horses on the farm are registered and DNA"d

All horses on the side panel are for sale or trade , except our stallion.. Each horse is from exceptional blood lines with the dams and sire on the farm . TRADE INFO IS DOWN THE PAGE!


Anonymous said...

also im not quite sure how to form a bond with a horse.please visit: http://goo.gl/tLfBRu

High Beech Horse Riding School said...

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Horse Riding North London
BHS Training