Welcome to this interactive Equine blog

Here we hope to offer horse Tales, Equine sales of all kinds and tips on horse care and training.
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Here is my first tip: Do you have a problum removing thoes nasty bot eggs in the fall ? Try a sponge saturated with rubbing alcohol. Scrub the eggs with soaked sponge . I do it several times . Eggs that don't come off will shrivel and If ingusted won't hatch.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Sand Colic tip

We live in and area where the soil is all sand. One finds it hard to believe it can grow anything but we have good crops here. However there is a concern about sand colic in horses. For the past 10 years I have been using flax seed and I haven't had colic in my horses of any kind .

My recipe is as follows: 1/2 Cup of flax seed to a quart of water Cook until it has a white foam on top . Let stand over night ,it will be slimy!! Mix with a gallon of wheat bran . feed in the morning . Feed regular hay in about an hour I'd leave out the grain. do this for three days . I do this every six months.

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