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Here is my first tip: Do you have a problum removing thoes nasty bot eggs in the fall ? Try a sponge saturated with rubbing alcohol. Scrub the eggs with soaked sponge . I do it several times . Eggs that don't come off will shrivel and If ingusted won't hatch.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Have a barn sour horse?

A horse that wont move off from the barn or other horses alone can be a pain and sometimes dangerous! I have had this problem my self in some of my horses . This can happen especially with horses that are paddocked near other horses... I have one for instance that will back up when she doesn't want to walk off either from other horses or from her comfort zone at the barn yard.. What I do is simple make her back up all she wants plus more!! another words , I make her back up until she is sick of it and then ask her to move forward away from the Barn. If she refuses I back her up all the more , soon she tires of the backward movement and is willing to move forward .I start working her away from the barn yard and if she resists I back her up again . Another method is to work your horse in their comfort zone ,in other words when they want to stay with their trail mates and you want to go it alone make them work hard where they don't want to leave ,then move them away at a restful pace if they resist, work them again at a trot or lope until they realise they can rest away from where they don't want to leave ,also you can do the back up thing as well! Always use wisdom when working resistant horses don't let them bully you but don't take risks!!Hitting , kicking or being abusive to a horse doesn't salve a thing it will just make them more resistant to what you want them to do just use persistence and patience don't give up it takes time!


HTS said...

You have some sensible tips for dealing with the barn/buddy sour horse. Hooray! And thankyou for spreading the horse sense.

HTS said...

Whoops, forgot to add that I have an added/complimentary perspective to the barn sour problem here: http://horseproblems.horsetrainingsuccess.com/2008/03/dynamics-of-riding-alone.html